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No one has asked her to dance. But I really struggle to meet new people, so this was something I thought I should try. I should have brought a pack of cards, that would have got people to sit down and talk to me. On the return to Dunedin, the carriages are quiet and subdued. The health inspector and the liquor inspector — who spent the journey up crocheting and reading novels — have fallen asleep, their heads nestled in their crossed arms.

Hippolite, spotted cosying up to at least two different girls, has disappeared, and may have found his Juliet, for tonight anyway.

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Staring out the window in carriage M, Lowe and Logan are downcast, eyeing the bleak southern sky whose stars have been obscured by gathering rain clouds. No, they say in unison. As the Love Train pulls into the Dunedin railway station at 3am, people make their way to taxis and motels in the frigid rain. The bloodied girl is taken to the hospital to be assessed for concussion, perhaps a broken jaw and perhaps a broken nose.

Her friend accompanies her, distracted and fuming that she lost her new shoes at the ball. As usual, about 50 people missed the return train, either loved-up or forgetful, maybe both. The checklists of the singletons have grown shorter as the train empties out. Earlier in the night, people were specific and aspirational about what they were looking for.

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A good dancer. Passionate about life. Likes fishing. Now, as dawn nudges closer, the scramble for a partner has simplified.

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A nice person. A warm body. Someone to talk to in the dark. She pulls her shawl tightly across her shoulders as the slimy rain soaks through her gown. Facebook Twitter Pinterest.

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Relationships Asia Pacific features. Reuse this content. Order by newest oldest recommendations. In meeting these needs, Jind had to come up with a concept that would accommodate Indian cultural sensitivities and also reflect the modern attitudes and lifestyles of Indian New Zealanders.


The result is not your average online dating site, where registered users generally post their profiles on an anonymous basis, view and select potential partners from listed profiles and contact each other by email via the website. What sets it apart from other online dating sites is that Jind offers a personalised service run by people who understand the needs of Indian singles and who are passionate about helping people make the right matches. Another key difference is that it introduces Indian singles specifically for marriage by providing a modern alternative to arranged marriages.

Unlike many online dating services, Jind also provides a screening service that takes the hard work out of sifting through potential dates, makes dating safer and increases the chances of success.

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Sanj and Anushka are well qualified to understand the needs of their clients. They have both been bought up in different Western countries - he in New Zealand and she in England — and both been through the traditional arranged marriage process - as have many of their relatives. These experiences led them to conclude that the process generally produces a low success rate as it is not always suited to the needs of overseas-based Indians.

Luckily for Sanj and Anushka, they went on to meet each other thanks to an informal introduction from a mutual friend. No arranged marriage, just two people getting to know each other by themselves. People can apply to register with Jind by simply requesting an application pack on this website.