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I entered politics many years ago because of a burning desire to make a difference in the fields of trade, law and order, and inter-ethnic relations. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. AND discover. That is what makes us a rich nation—rich in innovative talent, rich in exploring new scientific frontiers, and rich in extending individual freedom.

Time and again we have led the world in these areas. It is my belief that under the dynamic leadership of our Prime Minister, the Hon John Key, and the brilliance of our Minister of Trade, the Hon Tim Groser, we can create conditions around the world that favour our innovators, our manufacturers, and our producers.

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After the free-trade agreement with China and given that talks are in progress for a free-trade agreement with the USA, I think it is time to turn our attention to India, one of the biggest democracies and the fastest-growing economy in the world. I would like to see a free-trade agreement between these two countries.

It may not be out of place to say that the prosperity that trade brings to a country becomes meaningless if the person on the street does not feel safe. The deaths of hard-working Kiwis like Sergeant Derek Wootton, retailer Navtej Singh, cafe owner Joanne Wang, young student Krishna Naidu, and others remind us of the work that needs to be done in the field of policing, in the social sector, in education, and in inter-ethnic relations. Tackling the causes of criminal behaviour to prevent it from happening is cost effective, and prevents human suffering.

We must never lose sight of the fact that even if we put a criminal behind bars, the victims and their loved ones are already sentenced for life. That sense of having been wronged for no fault of their own can spread bitterness in all corners of our society.

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I humbly offer my intimate knowledge of the South Auckland communities and their specific issues, to help prevent crime before it is committed, because that is the only way to prevent the suffering of the victims. I would like to take this opportunity to stress the need to not lose sight of individual freedom while trying to tackle crime. Now I come to the growing ethnic diversity of our New Zealand society. I also acknowledge Dr. Ashraf Choudhary, Dr. Rajen Prasad, and Raymond Huo on the Opposition benches as part of this ethnically diverse Parliament.

I have come to this Parliament carrying the responsibility of looking after the interests of the people of this great country, and I am fully committed to do my best to serve this great country and its people. I have come to the conclusion of my maiden speech. I would like to share with the House the ideal city from Sikh scripture, which is a guiding light to me and my fellow Sikhs:.

There is lasting peace and safety there, O Siblings of Destiny. That is the vision I bring to this Parliament, and I shall do my best to work alongside my esteemed colleagues to achieve it. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow members of the House, I have always been proud to be a New Zealander.

I am now honoured, humbled and privileged to speak in this House. I am very proud to be a member of the National Party. I was convinced some time ago that New Zealand would be extremely well served by the forward-thinking leadership of the Prime Minister, the Hon John Key. I now find myself with this opportunity to serve under him in his Government.

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I count that as a great privilege. I would like to thank Judy Kirk, the president of the National Party. She is a wonderful woman, who leads with great skill, insight and warmth. I thank Jo Stuart and Alastair Bell, two of our regional chairs, who have encouraged me in my journey to the House. I thank the great team in New Plymouth, who wholeheartedly threw their support behind me. Special thanks go to Jan Mason and Orm Greensill, my campaign co-chairs for their tremendous support and, of course, to all the campaign team and the many volunteers who literally did the hard yards.

My thanks also go to John and Helen Armstrong, who have been great personal supporters throughout the rigours of the campaign. My family has been a tremendous encouragement to me. Of course, I would like to thank my wife, Maura, for her steadfast support, her brilliant analysis of situations, and her unrelenting belief in me. I am very proud and honoured to be the member of Parliament who represents the people of the New Plymouth electorate. The New Plymouth electorate is truly a jewel in the crown of New Zealand, and its time has come.

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I know that some of the members from those lesser cities want to rise to their feet right now, but I understand that interjections are discouraged during maiden speeches. Added to that, New Plymouth won three out of the five possible gold medals at the UN-endorsed International Awards for Liveable Communities, which were recently held in China. As we wonder about those words, we realise they underscore a story that all New Zealanders can be encouraged by.

The success of New Plymouth and its surrounding region is not just because we are a cow town, or an oil town. It is because we are innovative and determined to make the most of opportunities that come our way. Being so far from the bustling cities of the north and south, the people of the New Plymouth region were compelled to develop their own strong sense of community, their own expression of art and culture, and their own excellence in industry.

Pukekura Park, in the centre of the city, has been named a garden of national significance, and the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, the home of the collection of internationally acclaimed kinetic artist Len Lye, is world renowned. It is also evidenced in the world-class engineering companies that support the oil and gas industry and export their expertise around the world, not just in oil and gas engineering but in the leap that has been made to manufacture some of the best superyachts in the world.

I would suspect that if Edward W Payton were to visit New Plymouth today, he would see a thriving, creative, expansive, exciting, and bustling city. New Zealanders, like the people of New Plymouth, have a great heritage of innovation and determination. It comes from the challenges we face from living on the far side of the world. State-of-the-art innovation and best practices are critical to us. We have huge oceans to cross to the bustling cities of the north, and if we are not committed to excellence, and if we are not resourceful and determined, we simply cannot compete. It has always been our ingenuity and resourcefulness that has given us the winning edge.

As the world is facing severe economic conditions, it is this heritage—it is this heart—that will pull us through with strength and confidence.

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It is the story of New Plymouth, which I am proud to represent in this House. It is also the story that New Zealand will win on. People love living in New Plymouth. It is rich in its relationships and sense of community. It has a great can-do attitude. It is a world-class city in so many ways. I am a son of Taranaki, a returned son. Mount Taranaki is our great landmark. It gives us a sense of location and anchorage. By it, we know where we are and where we are heading. Like all good parents they too were landmark people in my life. I would like to acknowledge members of my family—my mother Margaret, who is here today.

I would also like to acknowledge Catherine Young, whom many of you will also know. They continue to play a very important part in my life. I thank them for all their support. He was successful and spent the next 24 years serving his constituents and this House. My first recollection of Parliament was coming here as a 7-year-old and meeting the late Sir Keith Holyoake, the then Prime Minister. I remember that meeting vividly.

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I remember sitting up in the gallery as a small boy, wondering what this was all about. Later I learnt that this simple philosophy was at the heart of practical Christianity, which later dramatically shaped my life. Throughout my student years I enjoyed what many young men enjoyed doing—that is, working in the holidays. During my time in Palmerston North I was training to be an educator, a teacher.

It is a noble profession—perhaps not earth-shattering, but definitely world shaping. I discovered to my surprise that I was an excellent teacher. I think I was surprised at that because I was not a particularly excellent student. I have been most gratified to receive emails from students even this year, who still count me as their best teacher 30 years later. Later in my life I served the people of Waitakere City, west Auckland, as a church minister.

I found that to be challenging and rewarding work. It connected me to families and single people, to young and old alike, to business people, tradespeople, labourers, factory workers, and professionals—people in all walks of life.


I was their mentor and friend. I shared their happy times and their heartaches. I listened to their stories and stretched my perspective to see theirs. That has helped me to understand where people are at. Through that I discovered what it is to not just live in a community but lead a community. It reminds me of the story of a young ambitious man asking an experienced salesman for the secret of his success. You just have to jump at every opportunity that comes along.

You have to keep jumping. It is not just seeing the opportunity; it is jumping for it.

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It is not just aptitude and education; it is attitude and determination.